Item Coversheet

Item Number 11.


City Council 
Staff Report


Parks, Recreation and Arts Youth Commissioner

Date:July 9, 2019

Submitted By:Mona Forster, City Clerk

Department:City Clerk

Staff Recommendation:

Adopt an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Rocklin Amending Chapter 2.44 of Title 2 of the Rocklin Municipal Code to add Section 2.44.120 Regarding the Parks, Recreation and Arts Youth Commissioner.

On 6/25/19 Council voted unanimously to introduce, waive the full reading and read by title only an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Rocklin Amending Chapter 2.44 of Title 2 of the Rocklin Municipal Code to add Section 2.44.120 Regarding the Parks, Recreation and Arts Youth Commissioner with amended language adding service being a single one-year term.

 The proposed ordinance adds Section 2.44.120 to the City Code, establishing the requirements for the Youth Commissioner, as follows:

• The Youth Commissioner must be at least 16 years of age, a resident of Rocklin, and enrolled     as a junior or senior in high school, in the City of Rocklin.

• The Youth Commissioner will serve a single one-year term, from July 1 to June 30th of the following  year.


• The Youth Commissioner is a volunteer position; it is not a compensated position.


• The Youth Commissioner is a non-voting member of the Parks, Recreation and Arts Commission,     and is not included for purposes of determining a quorum.




This Staff Report has been reviewed by the City Attorney for legal sufficiency and by the City Manager for content.