Item Coversheet

Item Number 10.


City Council 
Staff Report

Subject:Notice of Completion-Portions of Whitney Ranch Parkway, West Oaks Blvd. and Songbird Way

Date:January 28, 2020

Submitted By:

David Mohlenbrok, Community Development Director

Lynn Toth, Associate Civil Engineer

Department:Community Development

Staff Recommendation:

Adopt a Resolution accepting the Public Works known as Portions of Whitney Ranch Parkway (Station 84+00 to 106+50.6), West Oaks Blvd. (Station 104+60 to Intersection of Whitney Ranch Parkway), and Songbird Way (Station 17+13.00 to the Intersection of Whitney Ranch Parkway), approving a Notice of Completion Thereof, and Authorizing and Directing the Execution and Recordation of Said Notice on behalf of the City (Sunset Ranchos Investors, LLC).

On September 14, 2004, the City Council approved the Final Map for Whitney Ranch Large Lot Subdivision (Resolution No. 2004-294). This agreement required the developer, Sunset Ranchos Investors, LLC, to construct certain roadway improvements that are specified to be dedicated to the City.

The portions of Whitney Ranch Parkway, West Oaks Blvd, and Songbird Way to be accepted are located to the South East of Old Ranch House Road, North of Painted Pony Lane, South West of Jamboree Drive.

Sunset Ranchos Investors, LLC, the developer for Whitney Ranch has completed the Street Improvements and will maintain a warranty bond for a period of one (1) year from the date the City accepts the improvements.  
The attached resolution and subsequent recordation of the Notice of Completion will allow the City to take ownership of the subject roadways.

Fiscal Impact:

Whitney Ranch Parkway, West Oaks Blvd and Songbird Way will be maintained by the City.

Resolution - Exhibit A