Since 2013, the City has been using consultant plan review services to assist staff with the processing and review of improvement plans for land development projects. The additional support has allowed projects to be processed in a timely manner that meets the needs and time frames of the development community. On July 23, 2019, City Council adopted Resolution 2019-188 authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with GHD, Inc. for plan review services in the total not to exceed amount of $95,000 for FY 19/20. GHD’s standard consultant plan review fee averages approximately 50% of the corresponding plan review fee revenues collected by the City. This includes checking for compliance with the City’s Post Construction Manual and reviewing project Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP’s) by a qualified SWPPP developer (QSD).
Steady development activity has continued this year and the availability of the City Community Development Department to devote staff time to plan review has been reduced due to reorganization within the city divisions in late 2018 and the recent retirement of the City Engineer. City staff recently forwarded a new Whitney Ranch project to GHD and GHD is currently completing plan review of a number of other projects including those in the Whitney Ranch community that may be approved during the second half of the 2019/2020 fiscal year. Funds under the agreement with GHD have been expended, and GHD is expected to invoice the City an additional $85,000 during the current fiscal year, for a total of $180,000 for FY 19-20. The additional services and expenses necessitate a contract amendment and an additional appropriation of funds for FY 19/20.
The need for plan review services by GHD Inc. is expected to continue into Fiscal Year 2020-2021. Due in part to the development schedules of the Whitney Ranch master planned community and the second phase of the Los Cerros subdivision (both reviewed by GHD) as well as a number of other projects with approved entitlements, that the City expects to be submitted within the 2020/2021 fiscal year, staff recommends extending the agreement with GHD through FY 20/21, and establishing a not to exceed amount of $120,000 for those plan review services.
The City's Procurement Ordinance 1113 requires a competitive process, RFPs, for the procurement of professional services in excess of $50,000. Section 3.04.090(E) of the Ordinance allows the City Council to make an exception to the competitive process with respect to professional services in excess of $50,000, when the public interest will be served. Engaging a new firm to conduct plan reviews in the Whitney Ranch area and Los Cerros projects is expected to delay turnaround time on the review of plans submitted and would increase staff time spent bringing a new contractor up to speed, especially on the Whitney Ranch development requirements, which have included six amendments over the life of the Whitney Ranch development. Staff finds this contrary to serving the public interest. Ubora Planning and Engineering is the design engineer for the Whitney Ranch community and therefore cannot review Whitney Ranch projects. Ubora provides plan review services for other areas in Rocklin and the pricing is comparable between Ubora and GHD.
In order to continue providing expeditious plan reviews for the remaining development of the Whitney Ranch subdivision, staff recommends amending the agreement with GHD Inc. to extend the term and increase the not to exceed amount. Staff's recommendation is based on the quality and good standing of the consultant providing the professional services.