The Rocklin Road Bike/Pedestrian Road Realignment Project is part of the Capital Improvement Plan and is included the FY 2019-2020 budget approved by Council on June 25, 2019. This project consists of realigning the north side of Rocklin Road between the I-80 off ramp and Granite Drive. The realignment will include realigning the roadway, installing a bike lane and connecting the existing sidewalk (Exhibit A).
The Rocklin Road Bike/Pedestrian Road Realignment was advertised on February 7, 2020, and February 14, 2020, with the bid opening on Monday, February 24, 2020. Four (4) bids were received from the following (Exhibit B):
· Central Valley & Asphalt, Inc. $203,527
· B&M Builders, Inc. $205,383
· Biondi Paving & Engineering $221,349
· Duraid Mohammed dba HA Construction $225,087
Staff has reviewed the bids for sufficiency and determined Central Valley Engineering & Asphalt Inc. was the lowest responsible bidder. Staff recommends the City Council award the contract to Central Valley Engineering & Asphalt, Inc. and establish the City Manager’s change order authority at 15% of the contract ($30,529 rounded) for a total of $234,056.