Item Coversheet

Item Number 19.


City Council 
Staff Report

Subject:Rocklin Strategic Communications Plan and Homepage Update

Date:March 10, 2020

Submitted By:Michael Young, Management Analyst

Department:City Manager's Office


The City of Rocklin engaged a consultant to assist in the development of a Strategic Communications Plan in 2019 to ensure effective communications with Rocklin residents, businesses, and key stakeholders, while optimizing City and partner resources.

The plan was completed in Jan. 2020 and outlines strategies, best practices and tactics to help streamline messaging, expand opportunities for businesses and residents to receive City communications, continue to drive positive Rocklin stories, optimize partnership relations, leverage citywide advertising opportunities and utilize social media to amplify messages.


Concurrently, staff also collaborated with the City’s website provider to conduct a design update of Rocklin’s website homepage at The goal of the changes, which will be implemented in March, 2020, is to make City online information more easily accessible for web visitors. A detailed analysis of how web visitors interacted with the current homepage was conducted and update decisions were based on the data collected.

Michael Young, responsible for communications and special projects with the Rocklin City Manager’s Office, will provide a presentation on the Strategic Communications Plan and the webpage design update. The work presented aligns with the City Strategic Plan Goal IV: Enhance Community and Employee Engagement.