Item Coversheet

Item Number 13.


City Council 
Staff Report


Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Rocklin Approving a Two-Year Extension for a Tentative Subdivision Map and Oak Tree Preservation Plan Permit (Racetrack Subdivision Extension/SD2014-0006, TRE2015-0005)

Date:April 14, 2020

Submitted By:

David Mohlenbrok, Community Development Director

Bret Finning, Planning Services Manager

Dara Dungworth, Senior Planner

Department:Community Development

Staff Recommendation:

Adopt a Resolution Of The City Council Of The City Of Rocklin Approving A Two-Year Extension For A Tentative Subdivision Map And Oak Tree Preservation Plan Permit (Racetrack Subdivision Extension/SD2014-0006, TRE2015-0005)


This application is a request for approval of a two-year extension of time for a previously approved project:


Racetrack Subdivision (Resolution No. 2016-36) – A Tentative Subdivision Map and Oak Tree Preservation Plan Permit to allow an approximately 3.77-gross-acre site to be divided into 10 single-family residential lots. Proposed lot sizes range from 11,431 to 19,565 square feet, with an average lot size of 15,018 square feet. The Oak Tree Preservation Permit allows the removal of 28 oak trees and provides for the protection of the remaining 162 oak trees on the project site.


The time extension request is included as Attachment 1.


Staff finds this request to be consistent with the existing General Plan designations and zoning. The requested time extension for a previously approved project would be compatible with anticipated development of surrounding residentially designated properties.


The project is generally located north and east of the eastern intersection of Racetrack Circle and Racetrack Road, APNs 045-090-003 & 045-090-004, as shown in Figure 1 below. 


Figure 1 – Location Map



The City Council approved entitlements for the Racetrack Subdivision on February 9, 2016.  To provide background for the project, the original City Council staff report is included as Attachment 2. Resolution 2016-36 approving the Tentative Subdivision Map and Oak Tree Preservation Permit is included as Attachment 3. Improvement plans for the project are approved and the applicant has proceeded with construction of the utilities. Consistent with the project’s conditions of approval, the required Lot Line Adjustment is close to being recorded. The original expiration date for the approved map was February 9, 2018. Prior to expiration, an application for a two-year time extension was submitted for the project and approved in April of 2018. This time extension request, submitted on February 4, 2020, outlines the project’s progress and timeline for completion (see Attachment 1). The previously approved time extension request and the current time extension request do not propose any changes to the approved project


The requested two-year time extension is the second request for an extension of this project and is consistent with the provisions of the Rocklin Municipal Code Title 16 (Subdivisions). Approval of this time extension will bring the map life to six years, through February 9, 2022. A third time extension could be approved by the City to provide the map with an additional one year extension through 2023.


The owners are Equity Smart Investments, LP and Marsha Conwill. The applicant is: Equity Smart Investments LP – Ryan Bradford. 

Environmental Analysis:

In 2016, a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for the Racetrack Subdivision project was approved per City Council Resolution 2016-35. Project specific analysis was conducted and potential impacts of the Racetrack Subdivision project were identified in the MND document. Because no changes are proposed as part of this request for extension to the previously approved projects pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) Guidelines section 15162, no additional environmental review is required. (See Latinos Unidos de Napa v. City of Napa (2013) 221 Cal.App.4th 192.)

SR Attachment 1 - Time Extension Request
SR Attachment 2 - City Council Staff Report Daterd 2/9/2016
SR Attachment 3 - Resolution 2016-36
SR Attachment 4 - Racetrack Powerpoint Presentation
Resolution A