Item Coversheet

Item Number 14.


City Council 
Staff Report

Subject:Public Hearing on the Draft U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Five-Year 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan and 2020-2021 One-Year Action Plan

Date:April 14, 2020

Submitted By:

David Mohlenbrok, Community Development Director

Laura Webster, Director Office of Long Range Planning and Housing

Sharon Cohen, Environmental and Housing Specialist

Department:Community Development

Staff Recommendation:

Solicit comments on the Draft 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan and 2020-2021 Annual Action Plan (AAP) and adopt the following:


Resolution of the City Council of the City of Rocklin Approving the Adoption of the 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan and the 2020-2021 Annual Action Plan and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute and File All Documents Required to Receive U.S. Department Of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funding


This is the only required public hearing in the preparation of the City’s Five-Year 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan and 2020-2021 One-Year Action Plan. 


To be eligible to receive HUD Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds on an annual basis, the City of Rocklin must complete a Consolidated Plan, at least every five years, and an Action Plan, on an annual basis. The Consolidated Plan is a comprehensive planning document that serves as the guiding document for the use of funds from the HUD Community Development Block Grant entitlement program in the areas of housing and community development.


The Consolidated Plan outlines needs, priorities, market conditions, and strategies to utilize funds in a way that addresses needs identified. To receive the City’s grant agreement in a timely manner, the Annual Action Plan must be submitted to HUD at least 45-days before the start of the new program year, which means the plan is to be submitted to HUD no later than May 15, 2020. In 2019, the City of Rocklin received $282,687 in CDBG funds. The City has been awarded $279,106 in 2020. It is estimated that the City of Rocklin will receive approximately $1,400,000 in CDBG funds over a five-year period.


In anticipation of preparation of the Consolidated Plan, the City of Rocklin, as a recipient of federal housing funds, is required to assess barriers to fair housing choice at least every five years. This assessment is done through completion of a housing plan called an Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice, or AI. The primary outcome of an AI is for jurisdictions and Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) to take meaningful actions to overcome historic patterns of segregation, promote fair housing choice, and foster inclusive communities that are free from discrimination. The City of Rocklin AI was conducted as a regional effort among the following entities:


  • The City of Citrus Heights,
  • The City of Davis,
  • The City of Elk Grove,
  • The City of Folsom,
  • The City of Galt,
  • The City of Isleton,
  • The City of Rancho Cordova,
  • The City of Rocklin,
  • The City of Roseville,
  • The City of Sacramento,
  • The Housing Authority of Sacramento,
  • Sacramento County,
  • The Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency,
  • The City of West Sacramento,
  • The City of Woodland, and
  • Yolo County Housing


Preparation of the Regional AI document included extensive analysis and community engagement including surveys, pop up engagement at various locations throughout the region as well as stakeholder meetings. Although not a component of Rocklin’s 2020-2024 CDBG Consolidated Plan, the Regional AI has also been used to inform priorities within the CDBG Consolidated Plan and has been provided as an informational document (See Attachment 3 to this Staff Report).


The City of Rocklin also conducted a number of outreach activities as part of its preparation of the Consolidated Plan, including, but not limited to:


  • A joint community survey administered by the City of Roseville Housing Authority from early September 2019 through October 31, 2019.
  • A Community Stakeholders Meeting conducted during the day on October 29, 2019 at the Rocklin Community Center / Johnson Springview Park.
  • A Public Workshop conducted in the evening on October 29, 2019 at the same location.
  • Interviews with various local partners and stakeholders.


Prior to preparation of the 2020-2021 Annual Action Plan, a Notice of Funding Availability and solicitation for proposals from service providers was published in the Placer Herald, on the City’s website and sent via email to the Placer Collaborative Network (PCN), Placer Consortium on Homelessness (PCOH) and individual organizations that showed interest in advance on November 8, 2019.  Proposals were received from Seniors First, The Gathering Inn, Stand Up Placer, the Salvation Army and Foothills Habitat for Humanity. Their proposals are attached to this staff report and discussed in more detail in the following sections.


On February 14, 2020, a draft of the Consolidated Plan, including the 2020-2021 Annual Action Plan, was made available for a 30-day public review of the document. The draft Plan was made available at City Hall, at the Public Library, and on the City’s website. In addition, the notice was emailed to various service providers through dissemination by the Placer Collaborative Network (PCN) and Placer Consortium on Homelessness (PCOH). The deadline for comments on the draft Plan was Monday, March 16, 2020.


The City received no comments during the public comment period.


The proposed Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plan are now being presented for adoption by the City Council.






  • The City conducted a needs and priorities assessment through data analysis, consultation of partner plans, and community input. These different perspectives and inputs inform the prioritization strategy for the use of CDBG funds. This prioritization strategy is used in the Strategic Plan section of the Consolidated Plan where Priority Needs and Goals are explicitly identified. The Strategic Plan is the five-year vision for the use of HUD funds. HUD has established National Objectives, and all planned CDBG projects and activities must meet at least one of HUD’s National Objectives. Those objectives are:

1.          Primarily benefitting low- and moderate- income persons

2.          Aiding in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight

3.          Meeting a need having a particular urgency (referred to as urgent need)


  • All CDBG activities for years 2020 through 2024 must be consistent with the Priority Needs and Goals in the approved Strategic Plan set forth in the 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan and comply with the overall intent of the plan.


  • The goals of the Strategic Plan formulated from community input, data analysis, and partner plan consultation will remain the goals for the lifecycle of the entire 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan. Each subsequent Annual Action Plan outlining the use of annual HUD funds must align itself with the Priority Needs and Goals outlined in the Consolidated Plan.


  • The Action Plan, a component of the Consolidated Plan, identifies the specific activities the City will undertake during the Program Year and subsequent Action Plans will be adopted for each respective year of the Consolidated Plan. The City will receive $279,106 for the 2020 Program Year.


  • Eligible activities include, but are not limited to:


  1. Housing Rehabilitation (loans and grants to homeowners, landlords, non-profits and developers)
  2. Down Payment and other homeownership assistance
  3. Loans and grants to businesses for economic development
  4. Removal of architectural barriers to the elderly and disabled
  5. Public services such as job training, transportation, health care and child care
  6. Public infrastructure




  • The City will receive $279,106 for the 2020 Program Year.  Staff received grant applications from Seniors First, The Gathering Inn, Stand Up Placer and the Salvation Army for programs to be funded from the Public Services category. No more than 15% of the current year award or $41,865.90 can be expended on public services during the plan year.  Staff received grant applications from Foothills Habitat for Humanity for a handyperson program. This program is a housing activity, which is not subject to the Public Services cap.


  • Seniors First requested $20,000 in grant funding this year for the Senior Nutrition Program. They were funded $19,481.10 for Senior Nutrition last year. This entity is one of the first subrecipients of CDBG funds since Rocklin became an entitlement City and has remained a consistent and valued partner. However, in recent years the City has received an increasing number of proposals from various non-profit entities which serve the community. Given the number of worthy potential subrecipients staff is recommending a more even distribution of the very limited dollars which can be awarded to service organizations, therefore, we recommend that Seniors First receive $13,955.30 in funding from CDBG in 2020-21.


The Gathering Inn requested $60,000 in grant funds this year. They received $50,000 last year from the City’s Low and Moderate Income Housing Asset Fund. City staff is recommending that $60,000 in funds be provided to The Gathering Inn from the City’s Low and Moderate Income Housing Asset Fund once again rather than CDBG in order to create more opportunities to fund other programs with these limited funds.


  • Stand Up Placer has requested $20,000 in grant funding this year for their Victims Services Program. They were funded $11,460.98 last year. Staff is recommending that Stand Up Placer receive $13,955.30 in funding from CDBG in 2020-21.


  • The Salvation Army has requested $15,000-$20,000 in grant funding this year for their Rental Assistance Program. They were funded $11,460.97 last year. Staff is recommending that The Salvation Army receive $13,955.30 in funding from CDBG in 2020-21.


  • Foothills Habitat for Humanity has requested $10,000 in grant funding this year to create a Handyperson Program. FY 19-20 was the first year that Foothills Habitat for Humanity has requested funding from the City. They received $9,746.00 in FY 19-20. Staff is recommending that Foothills Habitat for Humanity receive $9,619.00 in funding from CDBG in 2020-21.


  • Agreements with all subrecipients will specify that Rocklin funds must be utilized to assist Rocklin residents.


  • Below is a full list of programs and allocations that City staff is proposing for approval in the 2020 Program Year. These items are reflected in the Draft Annual Action Plan that has been published for review by the public and subject to Council review and direction at this time.


  1. Public Facilities and Improvements – provide improvements to public facilities. Work may include adjustments to the ADA pavement, ramps, rooms, sidewalks, hallways, and other projects or public facility or infrastructure improvements - $171,799.90;
  2. Foothills Habitat for Humanity- this program provides minor housing repairs to homeowner households targeting extremely low and very low-income in Rocklin - $9,619.00;
  3. Senior Nutrition Program – provide hot meals to seniors at the Senior Café in Rocklin- $13,955.30 ;
  4. Stand Up Placer – provides services to survivors of domestic violence, sexual violence, human trafficking and their non-offending family members - $13,955.30;
  5. The Salvation Army – providing rental assistance to those in need - $13,955.30;
  6. Planning and Administration – general administration of the CDBG program including reporting activities - $55,821.20 (No more than 20% of the current year award or $55,821.20 can be expended on planning and administration during the plan year).




  • Solicit comments on the Draft 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan and 2020-2021 Annual Action Plan, and;
  • Approve the resolution presented for Council action, which approves the Final 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan and 2020-2021 Annual Action Plan.




  • Direct staff to add, modify or remove programs and/or projects in the 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan and 2020-2021 Annual Action Plan.


Fiscal Impact:
Processing of the 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan and 2020-2021 Annual Action Plan is necessary in order for the City to receive CDBG Entitlement Funds from HUD and will be included in the City’s proposed FY 2020-2021 Budget.
SR Attachment 1 - Applications
SR Attachment 2 - Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice
SR Attachment 3 - CDBG 20-24 Con Plan and 20 AAP CC Presentation
Resolution A
Resolution A - Exhibit A
Resolution A - Exhibit B
Resolution A - Exhibit C