Item Coversheet

Item Number 21.


City Council 
Staff Report

Subject:Adopting the Budget for the City of Rocklin Fiscal Year 2020-2021

Date:June 23, 2020

Submitted By:

Mary Rister, Finance Manager

Kim Sarkovich, ACM/CFO

Department:Administrative Services - Finance

Staff Recommendation:

Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Rocklin Adopting the Budget for the City of Rocklin for Fiscal Year 2020-2021.

In accordance with the Rocklin Municipal Code Chapter 3.28, the City of Rocklin Draft 2020-2021 Annual Budget was delivered to Council on May 14th, 2020. At the May 29, 2020 special meeting of the City Council, a presentation was made by staff regarding the Draft 2020-2021 Annual Budget for review and discussion. After the May 29th special meeting, a number of changes were made to the 2020-2021 Annual Budget. These changes are listed below:


  • Changes to payroll for the Fire Chief position,  Facilities Maintenance staff, and CalPERS adjustment increased payroll expenditures by $96,400

  • A decrease to General Fund revenue of $13,600 for weed abatement

  • A decrease to General Fund expenditures of $16,000 for SACOG membership, which was moved to the Economic Development Reserve Fund

  • A decrease to the General Fund of $100,000 for movement of Traffic related expenditures to the Traffic Impact Fee Fund

  • Changes to the Economic Development Reserve for SACOG membership and the Business Support Program expenditures, offset by the removal of expenditures for the Hacker Lab increased expenditures by $4,900

  • An increase to Gas Tax revenues for $72,600

  • And increase to SB1 Fund revenues for $52,300


Changes to the General Fund have resulted in an increase to the ending Fund Balance of $6,000 for Fiscal Year 2020-2021.


Fiscal Impact:

The Resolution defines the budget for the City of Rocklin for fiscal year 2020-2021 and authorizes the appropriations.

Reso Budget 2020-2021
Exhibit A - Budget 2020-2021