Item Coversheet

Item Number 12.


City Council 
Staff Report

Subject:Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Rocklin Approving and Authorizing the Reallocation of Two Animal Control Officer Positions to Community Service Officer Positions in the Police Department

Date:January 12, 2021

Submitted By:Charlie Wilson, Interim Director of Human Resources

Department:Administrative Services - Human Resources

Staff Recommendation:

Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Rocklin Approving and Authorizing the Reallocation of Two Animal Control Officer Positions to Community Service Officer Positions in the Police Department.

The City of Rocklin Police Department is continuously exploring opportunities to improve agency efficiency and improve on the quality service it provides to the community. Currently, the Department uses the job classifications of both Community Service Officer and Animal Control Officer to support sworn staff in a variety of functions, including investigations, abandoned vehicle abatement, animal control, parking enforcement, traffic flow, coordination of volunteer activities, code enforcement, and more.


Police staff have determined that given the current cross-over of functions, it is feasible to merge the two classifications by

(1) making relatively minor adjustments in qualifications, and (2) providing training to incumbent staff so that all are qualified to perform the duties of a more broadly-written Community Service Officer position description.


There are currently four allocated positions of Community Service Officer and two allocated positions of Animal Control Officer. By converting the two incumbent Animal Control Officers to Community Service Officers, efficiencies and improved service will be realized. Coverage by the combined-duty position will increase from 10 hours per day, six days each week to 16 hours per day, seven days each week. Patrol staff will be freed up for more proactive and preventative patrol functions and more staff support will be available for Major Accident Investigative Team (M.A.I.T.) response and Traffic Collision reports. Further, there will be improved coordination with Code Enforcement matters.


The Rocklin Police Officers Association was consulted on the concept of an expanded position description to realize the desired efficiencies and service improvement, including the conversion of two incumbent Animal Control Officers to Community Service Officers. The Association is supportive of the Police Department’s desire to proceed with this initiative.

Fiscal Impact:

The Police Department staff have determined that the one-time expenses on training to have all staff competent to perform the broadly-written duties will be approximately $2,700, which can be absorbed in the current fiscal year budget.

With the assistance of the Finance Department, the initial (partial) fiscal year expense increase in salary and benefits is estimated to be approximately $4,700, which can be absorbed in the current fiscal year budget.

Job Description