Item Coversheet

Item Number 9.


City Council 
Staff Report

Subject:Design and Construction Engineering Services for the Pavement Rehabilitation Project

Date:February 9, 2021

Submitted By:

Justin Nartker, Public Services Director

Matt Mc Clure, Public Services Manager

Department:Public Services

Staff Recommendation:

Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Rocklin Awarding the Contract for the Design and Construction Engineering Services for the Pavement Rehabilitation Project, Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Agreement with  R.E.Y. Engineers, Inc., and Approving an Additional Appropriation

The Pavement Rehabilitation Project, also known as Citywide Digouts, consists of projects that use Federal funds from the Regional Surface Transportation Program (RSTP), administered through the State, and are allocated to the various regions within California.  From there the regional authorities distribute the funds on a project by project basis, with the Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) responsible for the Sacramento area funds. Only available projects located within the Sacramento area (which includes Placer County) are eligible for this funding, which is prioritized and administered through the Placer County Transportation Planning Agency (PCTPA). RSTP dollars are used for arterial and collector road repairs and maintenance in order to preserve the roadways, extend the life of the roadway and prevent major rehabilitation in the coming years.


Staff had anticipated requesting additional design funding in Fiscal Year (FY) 2021/22, with Construction in FY 2023/24, for pavement rehabilitation in the upcoming Capital Improvement Plan. However, PCTPA has indicated that there is a possibility that project construction funding may become available prior to FY 2023/24, perhaps as soon as FY 2021/22.  If this occurs the project must be shelf ready by May 2021 in order to qualify for advanced funding, meaning the design must take place as soon as possible.  Based on this information staff prepared a Request for Proposal for design and construction engineering. 


The Request for Proposal was advertised on November 6, 2020 and November 16, 2020 with the submittal date of December 9, 2020.   Four proposals were received from:


  • R.E.Y. Engineers, Inc. (Folsom)
  • Dokken (Roseville)
  • PSOMAS (Folsom)
  • Kimley-Horn and Associates (Sacramento)


The proposals were evaluated and ranked by a team consisting of the City's contract City Engineer, Associate Civil Engineer, Assistant Civil Engineer, and Environmental Services Technician. The top two candidates were identified as Dokken Engineering and R.E.Y. Engineers, Inc.  Staff began negotiations with Dokken Engineering and were unable to reach agreement regarding the cost and scope of the project. Subsequently, negotiations proceeded with R.E.Y. Engineers, Inc. and agreement was reached for a base amount of $124,500. This is below the project estimate of $150,000.


The design for this project is funded 100% with RSTP funds and a budget appropriation for this budget year will be necessary.

Fiscal Impact:

The cost of the design and construction engineering services contract is $124,500 and will be funded 100% out of RSTP (240) funds.  This project was not originally budgeted for FY 2020/21 and will necessitate a budget appropriation.  The account is noted in the table below to demonstrate available funding. 




Budgeted Funds

Project Cost

Budget Appropriation

24082677070 (RSTP)




Resolution A
Resolution A - Exhibit A
This Staff Report has been reviewed by the City Attorney for legal sufficiency and by the City Manager for content.