The City’s Fuel Reduction Program reduces the threat of fire in the City by providing preventative maintenance (e.g. eliminate weeds, dry brush, dead trees) in the open space areas and vacant parcels throughout the City (Exhibit A). This is accomplished by using various methods such as handwork for rubbish and brush removal, tractor discing, and mowing.
During the 2020 season (April – September) approximately 80 acres were abated. Staff expects a similar amount during the next season; however, that can increase or decrease depending on the addition of open space and the number of vacant parcels in which the owners elect to have the City abate their property.
In the preparation for the upcoming 2021 season, a Request for Proposals (RFP) was issued for the City of Rocklin Weed and Rubbish Abatement Project. This RFP covers the 2021 season (April – September) and includes the option to renew the contract for up to two additional years. The City of Rocklin Weed and Rubbish Abatement Project was advertised on November 20, 2020, and November 27, 2020, with the three contractors attending the Pre-Bid Meeting on December 1, 2020. The submittal date for this RFP was Thursday December 10, 2020, and one (1) proposal was received from Northern State Contractors, Inc. (Sacramento).
The proposal was evaluated by a team consisting of the Streets and Traffic Operations Manager, Environmental Specialist, and Environmental Services Technician, and reference checks were performed. Staff received excellent recommendations from the references and recommends the City Council award the contract for the project to Northern State Contractors, Inc.
The proposal consisted of a fee schedule that provides the costs of various forms of abatement (discing, handwork, mowing) per acre. The proposal item/tasks costs can be used on various budgeted maintenance and projects, allowing for other divisions to utilize this contract provided there is available funding within their budget. A contract amount not to exceed $200,000, for the first year of the agreement, has been identified to allow for the use for other projects, etc. for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2020/21. No additional budget appropriations will be needed as any potential funds have already been included in the budget.
This is an annual contract and is awarded for an initial one-year period. It is renewable on a year-to-year basis for two additional one-year terms at the City’s option. Once the contract is implemented, staff will issue work orders on a per job basis throughout the year.