Item Coversheet

Item Number 14.


City Council 
Staff Report

Subject:Amendment No. 2 to the Consultant Services Agreement and to the Agreement for Payment of Cost of Preparation of a Transportation Impact Study (TIS) for the College Park Project

Date:February 23, 2021

Submitted By:David Mohlenbrok, Community Development Director

Department:Community Development

Staff Recommendation:

Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Rocklin Approving and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Amendment No. 2 to the Consultant Services Agreement and Execute Amendment No. 2 for Payment of Cost of Preparation of a Transportation Impact Study (TIS) and Requesting Additional Budget Appropriations (College Park Project) (Formerly Evergreen Sierra East, LLC/Sierra Villages Project) (Fehr & Peers/Sierra Villages Project Transportation Impact Study (TIS)) 

College Park is a 107.2 acre site, comprised of two sites, the North Village (71.4 acres) on the northeast corner of Rocklin Road and Sierra College Boulevard and the South Village (35.8 acres) on the southeast corner of Rocklin Road and El Don Drive. The project is proposed to be developed into a Planned Development (PD) featuring parks, open space and trails surrounded by residential and mixed uses (retail, office, medical, and institutional uses). It was determined that a Transportation Impact Study (TIS) was needed to process the project for purposes of complying with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and to evaluate consistency with the City’s General Plan Level of Service (LOS) policy. Fehr & Peers was selected to perform that work, as overseen by the City. Through a three-party arrangement, the City oversees and manages the effort and the project, and the project applicant funds the cost of the TIS.


On April 25, 2017 the City Council of the City of Rocklin approved a Payment for Cost of Preparation of a Transportation Impact Study (TIS) Agreement and a Consultant Services Agreement for a Transportation Impact Study on the College Park (formerly Sierra Villages) Project.


On July 9, 2019 the City Council of the City of Rocklin approved Amendment No. 1 to the Payment for Cost of Preparation of a Transportation Impact Study (TIS) Agreement and a Consultant Services Agreement for a Transportation Impact Study on the College Park (formerly Sierra Villages) Project.


Based on recent changes that have occurred to the project description, as well as changes in the state regulatory environment requiring an examination of the project's effect on freeway operations, it has been determined that a second amendment to the Payment for Cost of Preparation of a Transportation Impact Study (TIS) Agreement and a Consultant Services Agreement for a Transportation Impact Study on the College Park (formerly Sierra Villages) Project is necessary. Amendment No. 2 is for $43,000.00 and will be fully funded by the project applicant.

Fiscal Impact:

The Community Development Department currently has an $116,000.00 contract with Fehr & Peers for the College Park TIS, which will increase to $159,000.00 with this second contract amendment for $43,000.00. The Payment for Cost of Preparation of a Transportation Impact Study (TIS) Agreement requires the applicant to fully fund the cost of the TIS, including Amendments No. 1 and No. 2.


This contract amendment No. 2 will necessitate additional budget appropriations in the amount of $43,000.00 in account 10082366035 (Fund/Division/Object) for the purpose of the College Park Traffic Impact Study. 
This Staff Report has been reviewed by the City Attorney for legal sufficiency and by the City Manager for content.