Throughout the year, staff submit appropriation requests and change orders for a variety of contracts, capital projects or expenditures to the City Council for approval. Changes impacting the budget may require a budget amendment to be brought to the City Council during the annual budget process.
Budget Amendments
For Fiscal Year (FY) 2020/21, the total expenditure budget increased by $6,912,800 to $98,153,700. Budget amendments are requested for the following Department Budgets:
City Manager – General Fund: An increase of $226,100 for changes in personnel staffing of $76,100, and Small Business Support Grant Program of $150,000.
Finance – General Fund: An increase of $3,208,400 to follow the City’s Key Management practice applicable to the FY 2020/21 for using General Fund projected surplus. The increase includes transfers of $765,000 (45%) to Retiree Health Fund, $765,000 (45%) to Pension Unfunded Liability and $170,000 (10%) to Economic Development Fund, up to a limit set by Indirect Cost Allocations. The remaining 50% of surplus after the limit is $1,508,400 used to paydown Pension Unfunded Liability.
Finance – Retiree’s Health Fund: An increase of $765,000 to wire the surplus transfer received from the General Fund to the California Employers Retirement Benefit Trust (CERBT).
Finance – CARES Act DOF Treasury Fund: An increase of $759,300 for the transfer to the General Fund. The City was required to set up a new fund for this grant. The expenditures occurred in General Fund with a transfer from this new fund to reimburse the General Fund.
Finance – Whitney Ranch Interchange Fee Fund: An increase of $222,800 for a transfer to Traffic Circulation Fund to repay the Traffic Circulation Fund for cost allocations on the Whitney Interchange project that occurred before the Fiscal Year 2018 split off to its own fund.
Finance: Per the City’s Key Management Practice, Capital Project Funds are excluded from the Indirect Cost Allocations for the next year budget; however, those are included for the current year projection
- Traffic Circulation Impact Fee Fund $67,600
- Oak Tree Mitigation Fund $18,900
Fire – General Fund: An increase of $702,000, for Strike Team overtime of $470,000 and additional overtime of $232,000. Reimbursement revenue of $675,000 was received with additional outstanding payments expected to offset the Strike Team overtime along with related administrative costs.
Police – Asset Forfeiture Fund: An increase of $86,700, for License Plate Reader Cameras & software support of $43,800 and Enterprise lease vehicle purchase of $42,900 funded by an increase in asset forfeiture revenue.
Police – General Fund: An increase of $198,900 for the Enterprise lease vehicle purchase of four Chevy pickups and 2 Chevy Malibu replacement vehicles.
Police – PD Traffic/Safety Grant Fund: An increase of $145,100, for Traffic Enforcement Grant of $75,500 and the Tobacco Grant rollover from 2019 of $69,600.
Public Services – Capital Construction Fund: $343,300 for the City Hall Refurbishment project change orders.
Public Services – SB1 Road Maintenance & Rehab Fund: An increase of $168,700 for Sierra College Blvd Dig Outs from Clover Valley to City Limits, originally budgeted in the Sales Tax SB325 Fund.