Item Coversheet

Item Number 25.


City Council 
Staff Report

Subject:Amendment to the Street Improvements Reimbursement Agreement with William Jessup University

Date:June 22, 2021

Submitted By:

Aly Zimmermann, City Manager

Department:City Manager's Office

Staff Recommendation:

Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Rocklin Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an  Amendment to the Street Improvements Reimbursement Agreement with William Jessup University.

On April 25, 2017, the City Council adopted Resolution 2017-67, authorizing the City Manager to execute a Street Improvements Reimbursement Agreement with William Jessup University (WJU) for improvements on University Avenue.


WJU has contacted the City requesting an amendment the current agreement to change the annual reimbursement payment date from June 1 to July 1 of each year, due to timing conflicts for WJU. The proposed date change will have no material effect on the City’s operations.

Fiscal Impact:
Although the payment date change moves the current anticipated payment from Fiscal Year 2020/21 to 2021/22, there is no direct fiscal impact to the amendment, as this is a loan receivable to Fund 302 (Traffic Circulation Impact Fee) and does not impact operations.
Reso. Ex. A- Amendment
Original Agreement
This Staff Report has been reviewed by the City Attorney for legal sufficiency and by the City Manager for content.
The Finance Department has reviewed this staff report and certifies that budgeted funds are available, unless a budget amendment is being requested as part of this action item.