Item Coversheet

Item Number 15.


City Council 
Staff Report

Subject: Emergency Vehicle Access and Public Utility Easements over City owned Open Space Lot A (Whitney Ranch Phase II-J Units 65, 66, and 67B)

Date:June 22, 2021

Submitted By:

David Mohlenbrok, Community Development Director

Lynn Toth, Associate Civil Engineer

Department:Community Development

Staff Recommendation:

Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Rocklin Approving and Authorizing Emergency Vehicle Access and Public Utility Easements Over City Owned Open Space Lot A, Whitney Ranch Phase II-J Units 65, 66 and 67B, and Authorizing the Execution and Recordation of the Easements on behalf of the City (Sunset Ranchos Investors, LLC, Whitney Ranch Phase II-I Units 64, (SD2006-07)).


On December 12, 2017, the City Council approved the Final Subdivision Map of Whitney Ranch Phase II-J Units 65, 66 & 67B/SD-2014-0007 (recorded in BK DD PG 99 of Maps) which included the dedication of an Emergency Vehicle Access easement (EVA) and Public Utility Easement (PUE) over Open Space Lot A.  Within these easements, a South Placer Municipal Utilities District (SPMUD) sewer main was constructed. Subsequently and adjacent to said subdivision, the construction of Whitney Ranch Phase II-I Unit 64 subdivision improvements occurred and included the extension of the SPMUD sewer main and EVA from the Unit 65, 66 & 67B subdivision.  During the construction, there was the need to shift the sewer alignment due to field conditions.  This shift caused the need for an additional EVA/PUE to be dedicated within Lot A of the BK DD PG 99 final map, a City Open Space lot. (APN: 017-182-019-000). City Council approval is requested to grant, execute, and record the easements.


The easements are generally located south of Whitney Ranch Parkway and west of Knotty Pine Place, within City of Rocklin Open Space.


Staff recommends approval of the resolution granting the EVA and the PUE across Open Space Lot A, as they are necessary to provide continuous access for emergency vehicles and access to the utilities connecting the Whitney Ranch subdivisions.

Fiscal Impact:

Open Space Lot A is currently owned and maintained by the City of Rocklin through Community Facilities District No. 5.  The sewer facilities within the easement are owned and maintained by SPMUD.

Resolution - Grant of EVA and PUE Deed
Resolution - Exhibit 1 - Grant of Easement Deed
Resolution - Exhibit A & B to Grant Deed
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