Item Coversheet

Item Number 22.


City Council 
Staff Report


Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Rocklin Enacting Chapter 9.48 of the Rocklin Municipal Code to Implement a False Fire Alarm Fee

Date:October 12, 2021

Submitted By:Reginald Williams, Fire Chief

Department:Fire Department

Staff Recommendation:

Introduce, waive further reading, and read by title only, an Ordinance to Enact Chapter 9.48 of the Rocklin Municipal Code to implement a False Fire Alarm Fee. 


The City of Rocklin's service fee study includes provisions identifying a fee for reoccurring false fire alarms. However, the Rocklin Municipal Code does not provide a mechanism for the Fire Department to enforce this fee. The purpose of this ordinance is to establish standards and controls to reduce incidents of false fire alarm incidents responded to by the Fire Department.


Repeated responses to false fire alarms by the Fire Department results in a significant and unnecessary expenditure of valuable and limited resources and impairs the Department’s readiness and responsiveness to calls for service, which in turn increases risk to the public. The reduction of false fire alarm responses will reduce public risk, and protect the life, health, safety, and welfare of city residents and the public.



False fire alarm responses are detrimental to public health, safety, welfare, and the peace and quiet of the inhabitants of the city. Enforcing the adopted fees for excessive false fire alarms will reduce unnecessary responses.


This Staff Report has been reviewed by the City Attorney for legal sufficiency and by the City Manager for content.