Item Coversheet

Item Number 10.


City Council 
Staff Report


Update the Management and Confidential Salary Schedules to revise the salary ranges for the Police Chief and Fire Chief classifications and two payroll classifications, reallocation of the Payroll Administrator classification to Payroll Technician I/II.

Date:August 24, 2021

Submitted By:

Tameka Usher, Director of Administrative Services

Department:Administrative Services - Human Resources

Staff Recommendation:

Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Rocklin Adopting Revised Management and Confidential Salary Schedules to Reflect Updates to the Police Chief, Fire Chief and Two Payroll Classifications, and Reallocating the Payroll Administrator Classification to Payroll Technician I/II.


Title 2 of the California Code of Regulations, section 570.5 requires the City's salary schedules to be adopted at a public meeting. 


Updates to Police Chief and Fire Chief Salary Ranges

In June 2021, Human Resources (HR) conducted a base salary compensation study to identify market trends for similarly situated police and fire chiefs of municipal governments. The study found that the maximum salary for Police Chief with the City of Rocklin is 26.28% above the market median and that the maximum salary for Fire Chief with the City of Rocklin is 18.87% above the market median. Additionally, the majority of cities surveyed compensate their Police and Fire Chiefs at the same pay range. Based on the results of the compensation study, HR is recommending the following:


1.   The salary for the Police Chief classification be adjusted from Management Salary Range 43 ($177,318- $244,434 annually), to a new Management Salary range 40 ($164,658- $226,981 annually), effective August 28, 2021. This will result in an 8% decrease for the Police Chief salary range. It is important to note that this position will be vacant, so there is no incumbent employee impact.


2.   The salary for the Fire Chief classification be adjusted from Management Salary Range 38 ($156,724- $216,044 annually) to new salary range 40 ($164,658- $226,981 annually), to be equal with the Police Chief, effective August 28, 2021. This will result in a 5% increase for the Fire Chief salary range.


Updates to Payroll Classifications

With regard to the new Payroll Technician I/II classification, the City currently has a 1.0 full-time equivalent (FTE) allocated Payroll Administrator position. In the 3rd quarter of Fiscal Year 2020/21, the position became vacant. HR took that opportunity to re-evaluate the needs of the department and worked with the Payroll Supervisor and Senior Payroll Administrator to restructure the duties accordingly.  Therefore, it is being recommended that the City Council:


1.    Approve the addition of a new classification of Payroll Technician I/II, Confidential Salary Schedule at Ranges 17 and20, respectively (Range 17 $53,393- $73,601 annually; Range 20 $57,498- $79,260 annually).  


2.    Delete 1.0 FTE Payroll Administrator allocation in the Department of Administrative Services.


3.    Add 1.0 FTE Payroll Technician I/II allocation in the Department of Administrative Services.


4.    Eliminate the Payroll Administrator classification.

This action will result in a 10% decrease in salary from the current Payroll Administrator classification in Range 24 ($63,466- $87,489 annually) to the Payroll Technician I/II classification.


Fiscal Impact:

The impact of the Police Chief changing from Range 43 to Range 40 would be an approximate cost savings of $9,300 at top step.


The impact of the Fire Chief changing from Range 38 to Range 40 would result in an approximate cost of $9,100 at top step.


The impact of replacing the Payroll Administrator with a Payroll Technician I/II (Costed at the II-level, Range 20, Step E) would be an approximate cost savings of $6,500.

Exhibit A – Management Salary Schedules A & B
Exhibit B – Confidential Salary Schedules A & B
Exhibit C – Payroll Technician I/II Class Specification
This Staff Report has been reviewed by the City Attorney for legal sufficiency and by the City Manager for content.
The Finance Department has reviewed this staff report and certifies that budgeted funds are available, unless a budget amendment is being requested as part of this action item.