Item Coversheet

Item Number 12.


City Council 
Staff Report


Lonetree Apartments Project Transportation Impact Study Contract for Services and Reimbursement Agreement

Date:August 24, 2021

Submitted By:David Mohlenbrok, Director of Community Development

Department:Community Development

Staff Recommendation:

Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Rocklin Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Reimbursement Agreement with GTA Lonetree, LLC for the Lonetree Apartments Project, and a Contract for Services with Fehr & Peers for the Preparation of a Transportation Impact Study for the Project, and Approving Additional Budget Appropriations

A preliminary application for the Lonetree Apartments project has been submitted to the Community Development Department for the ground up development of 414 apartment homes on approximately 18.3 gross acres. The project will include a mixture of 1, 2, and 3-bedroom units consisting of traditional garden-style 3-story walk-up units as well as some townhome style units with attached garages that enter directly into the homes. The project includes a 5,200 square foot clubhouse, a 2,500 square foot standalone gym facility, a large pool, and other community amenities connected with pedestrian paths throughout the site.


It was determined that a Transportation Impact Study (TIS) was needed to process the project for purposes of complying with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and evaluating consistency with the City’s policies. Fehr & Peers is the City’s transportation consultant for the Circulation Element and for the most recent update to the Transportation Analysis for the Northwest Rocklin General Development Plan. Staff recommend the contract for the preparation of the TIS be awarded to Fehr & Peers in an amount not to exceed $56,000. Through a three-party arrangement, the City will oversee and manage the effort and the project, and the project applicant, GTA Lonetree, LLC, funds the cost of the TIS.

Fiscal Impact:

The preparation of the Lonetree Apartments Transportation Impact Study through a Consultant Services Agreement is anticipated to have a cost of $56,000. The Agreement for Payment of Cost of Preparation of a Transportation Impact Study requires the applicant to fully fund the cost of the Transportation Impact Study.


This Consultant Services Agreement will necessitate additional budget appropriations in the amount of $56,000 in account 1006016035 (Fund/Division/Object) for the purpose of the Lonetree Apartments Transportation Impact Study, and the City will be fully reimbursed for the additional expenditure.

Ex. 1- Reimbursement Agreement GTA Lonetree LLC
Ex. 2- Contract for Services Fehr & Peers
This Staff Report has been reviewed by the City Attorney for legal sufficiency and by the City Manager for content.
The Finance Department has reviewed this staff report and certifies that budgeted funds are available, unless a budget amendment is being requested as part of this action item.