On November 12, 2013, the City Council approved Resolution 2013-220 establishing the City of Rocklin Field Use Policy. This resolution provided policies and procedures for the rental and use of publicly-owned athletic fields and facilities in the City of Rocklin, ensured Rocklin residents and Rocklin Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) user groups had priority access to athletic fields and facilities, established field schedules with proper time allocated for maintenance and upkeep, and identified an approved schedule to collect fees in support of costs incurred.
In order to deliver the best possible service to the residents in Rocklin, staff has reviewed and updated the processes, procedures, and policies currently in place within the City and the department. The goal is to ensure that they are efficient, clear, sustainable, and beneficial to residents, both monetarily and otherwise. As part of this review, staff evaluated the current policy, financials, and user satisfaction. The process revealed the current policy is still beneficial to both residents, non-residents, MOU user groups, and the City.
Upon review, staff identified a few areas in need of updating with regards to outdated information, liability language, general policies, field closures and fees. Staff has updated all information to match current operations and contact information, adjusted insurance and indemnity language to match current City standards, and combined information where appropriate for simplicity and clarity. Staff has also incorporated the General Policies section to mirror the departments Facility User Group Categories, Reservation Periods, Rental Fee, and Non-Profit Facility Use Policy to create clarity and consistency across the department.
Staff has also completed a rental fee analysis and compiled data from ten surrounding jurisdictions. The Parks and Recreation Department desires to maintain a balance of competitive but affordable rates to all user groups and Rocklin residents. Upon completion of this analysis, fees are being implemented that are still below the average rates when compared to the data collected, but also reflect a fair rate for the services the City provides. User fees are being increased to account for increased costs due to inflation and to set fees at a comparable rate to surrounding areas.
A number of new fees are being implemented to address expanded operations and areas of need. The new fees include field prep operations, as this is one area identified in current operations as an area that needs improvement. These fees will cover the costs incurred and contribute funds to future maintenance and improvements. Staff is also creating a new fee for outside groups pool use. Currently, the only fees identified for pool use are those created by the Use Agreement between the City of Rocklin and Rocklin Swim Team.
The Athletic Fields and Facilities Rental Fee Schedule is attached (Staff Report - Attachment A). All current fees are included, with the new fees highlighted in the adjacent columns. Fees will continue to be analyzed each year to remain competitive with and responsive to market conditions in our surrounding areas and jurisdictions and to ensure the City is recapturing all incurred costs of running such operations. Staff plans to present the Athletic Fields and Facilities Rental Fee Schedule each year going forward to keep City Council informed of current fees.