Item Coversheet

Item Number 18.


City Council 
Staff Report


Adopting a Salary Range for the Executive Assistant Classification, Abolishing the Executive Assistant to the Police Chief Classification, and Adopting Revised Confidential Salary Schedules; Approving Reclassifications, Retitling, and Reallocations for the Police, Fire and Community Development Departments

Date:October 12, 2021

Submitted By:

Tameka Usher, Director of Administrative Services

Department:Administrative Services - Human Resources

Staff Recommendation:

Resolution of the City Council of the City of Rocklin Adopting a Salary Range for the Executive Assistant Classification, Abolishing the Executive Assistant to the Police Chief Classification, and Adopting Revised Confidential Salary Schedules; Approving Reclassifications, Retitling, and Reallocations for the Police, Fire and Community Development Departments


Title 2 of the California Code of Regulations, section 570.5 requires the City's salary schedules to be adopted at a public meeting.


Classification & Salary: Executive Assistant

During the budget process for Fiscal Year (FY) 2021/22, the Fire Department requested that their incumbent Departmental Administrative Specialist position be reviewed for reclassification to an Executive Assistant to the Fire Chief. Following review, Human Resources (HR) determined that the employee was performing duties consistent with the City’s classification of Executive Assistant to the Police. HR recommends that the City adopt a new classification of Executive Assistant, which encompasses the duties performed by the respective positions in the Fire Department and the Police Department. This will prevent the City from having two separate classifications that are almost identical except for the reference to the department. HR developed the classification of Executive Assistant by reviewing the current Executive Assistant to the Police Chief class specification, reviewing industry standard Executive Assistant class specifications, and by consultation with both the Fire Department and Police Department.


HR recommends that the salary for the Executive Assistant be set to salary range 24 of the Confidential Salary Schedule ($63,466- $87,489 annually), consistent with the existing salary range for the Executive Assistant to the Police Chief.


Reclassification: Executive Assistant

HR also recommends that 1.0 FTE Departmental Administrative Specialist in the Fire Department (Confidential Range 17, $53,393-$73,601 annually), be upwardly reclassified to the newly created classification of Executive Assistant (Confidential Salary Range 24, $63,466- $87,489 annually). The incumbent’s salary will be set in accordance with City of Rocklin Personnel Rule 3-01 (10).


Retitle: Executive Assistant

HR developed the broad classification of Executive Assistant to encompass the duties performed by the Executive Assistant to the Police Chief position in the Police Department and the Departmental Administrative Specialist position in the Fire Department.


As such, HR recommends that 1.0 FTE Executive Assistant to the Police Chief in the Police Department be retitled to Executive Assistant. There will be no impact to the incumbent’s pay as the salary ranges of the two classifications are the same.


Abolish Classification: Executive Assistant to the Police Chief

Should the City Council approve the above reclassification and retitle, staff recommends the City Council also abolish the Executive Assistant to the Police Chief classification, as the duties of the position will be encompassed in the new classification of Executive Assistant nor any allocations remaining.


Upward Reclassification (Senior Departmental Administrative Specialist)

In November of 2020, HR received a request from the Community Development Department to conduct a classification study of one encumbered Departmental Administrative Specialist. HR studied the position and determined the position is performing duties consistent with the classification of Senior Departmental Administrative Specialist and recommends reclassifying the position.


As such, HR recommends that 1.0 FTE Departmental Administrative Specialist (Confidential Salary Range 17, $53,393-$73,601 annually) in the Community Development Department be upwardly reclassified to the Senior Departmental Administrative Specialist classification (Confidential Salary Range 20, $57,498-$79,260 annually). The incumbent’s salary will be set in accordance with City of Rocklin Personnel Rule 3-01 (10).



With regard to the aforementioned changes, staff recommends that the City Council:


Fire Department

1.      Delete 1.0 FTE Departmental Administrative Specialist allocation.

2.      Add 1.0 FTE Executive Assistant allocation.


Police Department

1.      Delete 1.0 FTE Executive Assistant to the Police Chief allocation.

2.      Add 1.0 FTE Executive Assistant allocation.


Community Development Department

1.      Delete 1.0 FTE Departmental Administrative Specialist allocation.

2.      Add 1.0 FTE Senior Departmental Administrative Specialist allocation.


The Salary Schedule is included as Exhibit A and the new classification of Executive Assistant is included as Exhibit B.

Fiscal Impact:

The impact of reclassifying the Departmental Administrative Specialist to an Executive Assistant in the Fire Department (Costed at Confidential Salary Schedule A, Range 24, Step 3) would result in an approximate annual cost of $7,355.


The impact of retitling the Executive Assistant to the Police Chief to an Executive Assistant in the Police Department is cost neutral as there is no change in the salary range or step.


The impact of reclassifying the Departmental Administrative Specialist to a Senior Departmental Administrative Specialist in the Community Development Department (Costed at Confidential Salary Schedule B, Range 20, Step M) would result in an approximate annual cost of $5,322.


Costs associated with the recommended reclassifications are $12,677 and will be offset by savings from vacancies in the respective department.

Salary Schedules
Executive Assistant Classification
This Staff Report has been reviewed by the City Attorney for legal sufficiency and by the City Manager for content.
The Finance Department has reviewed this staff report and certifies that budgeted funds are available, unless a budget amendment is being requested as part of this action item.