Item Coversheet

Item Number 15.


City Council 
Staff Report

Subject:Purchase of a Komatsu WA200-8 3-SPOOL Loader

Date:October 12, 2021

Submitted By:

Justin Nartker, Director of Public Services

Matt McClure, Public Services Manager

Department:Public Services

Staff Recommendation:

Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Rocklin Approving the Purchase of One Komatsu WA200-8 3-SPOOL Loader from Road Machinery, LLC, and Authorizing the City Manager to Purchase the Komatsu WA200-8 3-SPOOL Loader.

The City Council of the City of Rocklin approved and adopted the 2022-26 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) along with the Fiscal Year (FY) 2021/22 Capital Budget.  Included in the budget was the capital fleet replacement of one (1) Front Loader for an amount not to exceed $177,000.


Komatsu America Corp. is  a low bid contractor with Sourcewell, previously known as National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA), which is a Group Purchasing Organization (GPO) open to Public Agencies of which the City is a member. Sourcewell has already completed the formal process to identify the lowest bid contractors for various services/equipment, which allows the City to utilize the Sourcewell contract and move quickly to secure a quote for the Komatsu WA 200-8 3 SPOOL Loader from the Komatsu authorized dealer Road Machinery LLC.


Pursuant to the Sourcewell Contract, Road Machinery (West Sacramento) has issued a quote for the Loader noted above (See Exhibit A of the Resolution) for a total amount of $176,996. Staff recommends the City Council approve the purchase the Loader from Road Machinery in an amount not to exceed $177,000, pursuant to Sourcewell Komatsu Pricing Detail – Contract #032119-KOM. Sufficient funds exist in the FY 2021/22 Budget in various funds for this purchase.


Fiscal Impact:

Sufficient funds are available in the FY 2021/22 Budget to support the recommended purchase in various funds. 

Resolution A - Exhibits A-C
Sourcewell contract award and acceptance
This Staff Report has been reviewed by the City Attorney for legal sufficiency and by the City Manager for content.
The Finance Department has reviewed this staff report and certifies that budgeted funds are available, unless a budget amendment is being requested as part of this action item.