On September 14, 2004, the City Council approved the Final Map for the Whitney Ranch Large Lot Subdivision (Resolution No. 2004-294). The map included many open space areas with the Whitney Ranch development. These open space areas, including Open Space Lots 35, 36A and 36B (APNs: 017-182-004-000, 017-174-012-000, and 017-181-002-000), were irrevocably offered for dedication in fee for Open Space purposes with the Whitney Ranch Large Lot Subdivision map recorded in Book Z of Maps Page 94. At the time of the map recordation, the dedication was rejected by the City Council, reserving the right to accept the dedication at a later date.
Whitney Ranch Open Space Lot 35 is adjacent to Whitney Ranch units 57, 58, 59, 60, 61A, 61B, and south of Whitney Ranch Parkway. Whitney Ranch Open Space Lots 36A and 36B are south of the northerly border of the City of Rocklin and the City of Lincoln boundary line.
Sunset Ranchos Investors, LLC, has requested the City, in addition to its prior acceptance of the open space lots by way of City Council Resolution No. 2021-123, to also accept the open space properties by grant deed.