On March 4, 2020, the Governor proclaimed a state of emergency in California as a result of the threat of COVID-19. On March 24, 2020, the City Council ratified the City Manager’s proclamation of a local emergency in Rocklin due to the threat of COVID-19 (Reso. 2020-56). The proclamation of a local emergency was in effect until June 22, 2021 (Reso. 2021-118). The proclamation of a state of emergency has not been terminated. Current public health authorities continue to recommend physical distancing as a means to avoid the spread of COVID-19.
A number of Rocklin dining and beverage service establishments have requested that temporary outdoor regulations continue to be relaxed in order to allow for enhanced physical distancing. At the October 12 2021 the City Council provided direction to staff to prepare an urgency ordinance for consideration that would allow for reduced outdoor dining and beverage service establishment regulations on in interim basis in response to COVID-19. The proposed urgency ordinance authorizes the creation of a Temporary Outdoor Business Permit application to allow temporary outdoor use of private property for dining and beverage service operations (including temporary structures and improvements). The urgency ordinance does not include the waiver of safety provisions of the California Building and Fire Codes.
As an urgency ordinance, the action requires a 4/5 vote of the City Council. Additionally, within 45 days, another ordinance will be required to be introduced and subsequently adopted to extend the provisions of the urgency ordinance for a longer period of time. Staff anticipates the subsequent resolution will include a recommendation on a length of time for the temporary business use extension.