Item Coversheet

Item Number 17.


City Council 
Staff Report


Acceptance of the Winding Lane Curve & Lost Avenue Intersection Improvement Project and Approving a Notice of Completion

Date:May 10, 2022

Submitted By:

Justin Nartker, Director of Public Services

Matt McClure, Public Services Manager

Department:Public Services

Staff Recommendation:

Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Rocklin Accepting the Public Work Known as the Winding Lane Curve & Lost Avenue Intersection Improvement Project, Approving the Notice of Completion, and Authorizing the Execution and Recordation of the Notice (Central Valley Engineering and Asphalt, Inc.)


The Winding Lane Curve & Lost Avenue Intersection Improvement Project was approved by the City Council and is included in both the 2022-2026 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and Fiscal Year (FY) 2021/22 Budget. This project consists of widening the roadway along the curve at Winding Lane to expand the roadway to meet current City standards; and install curb, sidewalk, and gutter at the intersection of Lost Avenue and Winding Lane.


On August 10, 2021, the project was awarded to Central Valley Engineering and Asphalt, Inc. in the not to exceed amount $312,775 (Resolution 2021-140). Rocklin Municipal Code section 3.04.050 authorized a contingency amount of fifteen percent of the contract ($46,917) for a total authorized expenditure of $359,692. One change order was issued in the amount of $13,980 bringing the total project cost to $326,775 which is within the authorized amount ($359,692). The City entered into a reimbursement agreement with South Placer Municipal Utility District (SPMUD) to replace and abandon portions of their infrastructure during construction for an amount not to exceed $22,500 with the actual cost coming in at $22,420 (rounded). 


The project was completed on March 1, 2022. Staff recommends acceptance of the work, and recordation of the notice of completion.

Fiscal Impact:

Approval of the staff recommendation has no additional fiscal impact. This project was previously budgeted and approved using SB325 Funds (210).

Resolution with NOC
This Staff Report has been reviewed by the City Attorney for legal sufficiency and by the City Manager for content.
The Finance Department has reviewed this staff report and certifies that budgeted funds are available, unless a budget amendment is being requested as part of this action item.