Title 2 of the California Code of Regulations, section 570.5 requires the City's salary schedules to be adopted at a public meeting.
In January 2022, the incumbent Senior Code Enforcement Officer requested that the position be reviewed for reclassification to a managerial-level classification. The Administrative Services Department, Human Resources (HR) division, performed a classification study and determined that the employee was performing management-level duties. Staff subsequently developed the classification of Code Enforcement Program Manager to encompass the program management duties performed by the incumbent. Consistent with the City’s definition of a Management Employee in the Employee-Employer Resolution (Resolution No. 2017-237), staff recommends that the newly developed classification be placed in the Management group since the position has authority to exercise independent judgment in regard to personnel matters in the Code Enforcement Division of the Community Development Department. Staff further recommends that the newly developed classification be placed at Management Salary Range 15 ($88,816- $122,432 annually).
The Code Enforcement Manager classification is FLSA-exempt pursuant to the administrative exemption.
Staff recommends that 1.0 FTE Senior Code Enforcement Officer (Public Service Employee Unit Salary Range 32, $67,949- $93,669 annually) in the Community Development Department be upwardly reclassified to the newly created classification of Code Enforcement Program Manager. The incumbent’s salary will be set in accordance with City of Rocklin Personnel Rule 3-01 (10).
Should the City Council approve the above reclassification, HR staff is requesting that the City Council also abolish the Senior Code Enforcement Officer classification as the duties of the position will be encompassed in the new classification of Code Enforcement Program Manager nor any allocations remaining.
With regard to the aforementioned changes, it is recommended that the City Council:
1. Delete 1.0 FTE Senior Code Enforcement Officer allocation in the Community Development Department.
2. Add 1.0 FTE Code Enforcement Program Manager allocation in the Community Development Department.
HR Division staff met and conferred with the Public Service Employees Bargaining Unit represented by AFSCME regarding the proposed reclassification in accordance with the City of Rocklin Employee-Employer Resolution.