Item Coversheet

Item Number 31.


City Council 
Staff Report

Subject:Arts Commission

Date:October 25, 2022

Submitted By:

Sherri Conway, Assistant City Manager

Elizabeth Sorg, Associate Management Analyst

Department:City Manager's Office

Staff Recommendation:

Receive a Presentation Regarding the Economic Impact of  the Arts and Provide Direction to Staff Regarding the Creation of a New Arts Commission


Arts, culture, and creativity enhance the quality of life for all Rocklin residents, the economic vitality of the city, and are central to the visitor experience of our region. 

The production of arts and cultural goods in the U.S. added $804 billion to the economy in 2016, including a $25 billion international trade surplus, comprising a larger share of the nation’s economy (4.3 percent) than transportation, tourism, and agriculture. In California, arts and culture is a $186 billion industry, making up 7.0 percent of the state economy (U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis). The nonprofit arts industry alone generates $166.3 billion in economic activity annually. This includes spending by organizations and their audiences, which supports 4.6 million jobs and generates $27.5 billion in government revenue.

There is demonstrated evidence that an investment in the arts provides significant economic benefits, including:

  • Nonprofit arts and culture organizations are businesses. They employ people locally, purchase goods and services from within the community, are members of Chambers of Commerce and attract tourists to our region.
  • The Arts drive commerce to local businesses. The Arts, unlike most industries, leverage significant amounts of event-related spending by the audiences. In 2017, Arts attendees spent $31.47 per person, per event, beyond the cost of admission on items such as meals, parking and lodging.
  • Arts travelers are ideal tourists. They stay longer and spend more to seek out authentic cultural experiences. One-third of attendees travel from outside the county and spend an average of $48 per person. 

Two recent reports by Americans for the Arts, “10 Reasons to Support the Arts in Placer County” and “Why the Arts Matter in California” further detail the economic benefits of the Arts and are provided as Exhibits to this report.

The Public Art Master Plan adopted by the City Council in January 2016 (Resolution No. 2016-23) recommended the creation of an Art Task Force. In May of 2017, a description of the Duties and Responsibilities of the Art Task Force was adopted.  These include: 

  • The review and recommendation to the Commission of public art proposed as part of a public (city) funded project against the criteria established by the Rocklin Public Art Master Plan.
  • Advocating for public art and assistance and guidance in securing grants or other funding for public art.
  • Assisting with public art related projects such as documentation and creation of a public art inventory, marketing and promotion of public art and developing relationships with area art groups, artists, educational institutions and other organizations that support public art.
  • Serving as ambassadors for City art efforts and events to the community at large and at events and functions as appropriate.


The creation and establishment of a new Arts Commission would build upon the successes of the Art Task Force, and allow for a more permanent entity to be charged with a broader mandate. The Arts Commission would support, promote and advocate for all arts across the City, including fine arts, visual arts, performing arts, literary arts, art history, and arts education. Establishment of a stand-alone Arts Commission will enrich and help develop the artistic culture of our region. The Commission's duties could include:


  • To advise the City Council of the needs of the artistic and cultural community; encourage and promote arts programs and events that engage community members and local businesses to build a flourishing and vibrant arts and cultural environment.
  • To provide support to artists and arts/cultural organizations by sponsoring forums, funding, programs, and events.
  • To carry out an Arts in Public Places program.
  • To establish an effective liaison between the City and local cultural and artistic groups.
  • To partner with and leverage the resources available through the Arts Council of Placer County, the designated State-Local Partner.
  • To advise the City Council regarding possible sources of funding.


Commissioners shall be those persons who have demonstrated a strong commitment to the arts through individual patronage, education, or professional experience or knowledge of a particular arts and culture field, and the general public. Efforts should be made to include commissioners who represent a diversity of backgrounds.


The newly created Arts Commission would be supported by City's Economic Development team, currently comprised of City Manager's Office staff.


Next Steps

Staff is seeking direction from the City Council regarding the creation of a permanent Arts Commission. Pending the City Council’s direction, a staff report would be presented to the City Council for consideration of the following actions: (1) creation of an Arts Commission; (2) sunsetting the Art Task Force; and (3) modifying the Parks, Recreation and Arts Commission to move art-related responsibilities to the newly established Arts Commission. Staff anticipates this would be brought forward for City Council consideration in early 2023.

Fiscal Impact:
There is no direct fiscal impact to the City.
Exhibit 1 - 10 Reasons to Support the Arts in Placer County
Exhibit 2 - Why the Arts Matter in California
This Staff Report has been reviewed by the City Attorney for legal sufficiency and by the City Manager for content.