Item Coversheet

Item Number 29.


City Council 
Staff Report


Placer Creek Apartments

Design Review, DR2017-0006

General Development Plan Amendment, PDG2022-0005

Zone Change, Z2017-0006

Date:October 25, 2022

Submitted By:

David Mohlenbrok, Director of Community Development

Bret Finning, Planning Services Manager

Dara Dungworth, Senior Planner

Department:Community Development

Staff Recommendation:

A. Adopt a Resolution of The City Council of The City of Rocklin Approving A Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impacts and A Mitigation Monitoring Program (Placer Creek Apartments / DR2017-0006, PDG2022-0005, and Z2017-0006)


B. Introduce, waive further reading, and read by title only, an Ordinance of the City of Rocklin Amending the Northwest Rocklin General Development Plan and Rezoning an Approximately 10.4 acre Site from Planned Development Commercial (PD-C) And Planned Development Business Professional (PD-BP) To Planned Development 22 Minimum Dwelling Units Per Acre (PD-22+) (Placer Creek Apartments / PDG2022-0005 and Z2017-0006)


C. Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Rocklin Approving a Design Review for a Multi-Family Residential Project (Placer Creek Apartments / DR2017-0006)


Staff Report
SR Attachment 1 - Planning Commission Blue Memo
SR Attachment 2 - Approved Minutes of the September 6, 2022 Planning Commission Meeting Excerpt
SR Attachment 3 - Public Correspondence
Resolution A - Mitigated Neg Dec
Ordinance - General Development Plan Amendment and Rezone
Ordinance - Exhibit 1A
Resolution C - Design Review
Resolution C - Exhibit A
Resolution C - Exhibit B
This Staff Report has been reviewed by the City Attorney for legal sufficiency and by the City Manager for content.