Item Coversheet

Item Number 10.


City Council 
Staff Report


Approve the Notice of Exemption and Award the Bid for the Railroad Safety Fence.

Date:December 18, 2018

Submitted By:

Justin Nartker, Director

Matt McClure, Public Services Manager - Presenter

Department:Public Services

Staff Recommendation:

It is recommended that the City Council of the City of Rocklin approve the attached:


  • Resolution of the City Council of the City of Rocklin Approving a Notice of Exemption for the Railroad Safety Fencing.

  • Resolution awarding the bid for the Railroad Safety Fencing to Rowar Corporation dba Arrow Fence Company. 


On March 25, 2014, Council approved Resolution 2014-46 which authorized the City Manager to execute a purchase and sale agreement with Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) for property along Front Street.  As part of the purchase agreement the City would install fencing along the railroad tracks from B Street to Farron Street. The initial 1475 lineal feet of fencing was installed in 2014 with the remainder to be completed once the Front Street Realignment was finished.  The Front Street Realignment Project was completed earlier this year and the remaining 210 lineal feet of safety fencing can now be installed along the railroad tracks. The Railroad Safety Fence project will extend the existing fence along the railroad tracks approximately 210 feet along Front Street to Farron Street. 


The Railroad Safety Fencing Project was advertised on October 12, 2018, and October 19, 2018 with the bid opening on October 31, 2018.  Two (2) bid(s) were received from the following:



  • Rowar Corporation dba Arrow Fence Company                                          $69,674.00
  • Golden Fence & Iron Works                                                                          $72,368.50



Staff has reviewed the bids for sufficiency and recommends that the City Council award the bid to Rowar Corporation dba Arrow Fence Company. The resolution establishes the City Manger’s change order authority at 15% ($10,451.10). 




Environmental Analysis:

The City of Rocklin’s Environmental Coordinator has reviewed Railroad Safety Fencing and determined that it is exempt from review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to California Code of Regulations Section 15303 & 15311 and has prepared a Notice of Exemption.


Fiscal Impact:

PTMISEA Funds (217) will be used for this project and are included in the FY 18/19 Budget.

Resolution A
Resolution B
This Staff Report has been reviewed by the City Attorney for legal sufficiency and by the City Manager for content.