On June 28, 2016, the City Council approved the FY 2016-2017 budget along with Resolution No. 2016-167 which approved the 2016-2020 Capital Investment Plan. Included in the plan was the Intersection and Roadway at New Fire Station 1 project and Adventure Park Parking Lot. These projects would construct the intersection, roadway for the Adventure Park and New Fire Station No. 1 (which was subsequently removed in FY 17-18), bring utility stubs in, and provide approximately 200 additional parking spots to service Quarry Park, Adventure Park, and future development retail.
The Intersection and Roadway at New Fire Station 1 Project, including the parking lot, was advertised on May 11th and May 18th with the bid opening on June 2, 2017. Two bids were received with Western Engineering Contractors, Inc. coming in with the lowest bid of $2,976,635.00. On June 27, 2017, Council approved Resolution 2017-159, awarding the bid to Western Engineering Contractors, Inc.
During Construction the major obstacle was the rock removal and grading. Because it was not possible to determine the impact/amount of rock until the grading started, staff included a “Rock Clause” to address rock over 4’x4’x3’ that was not able to be removed with the existing equipment. Due to the hardness, size and depth of the rock, blasting was necessary and large rock splitting equipment was used which slowed the removal process and added to the cost of the project. Staff was able to reduce the overall cost by renegotiating the removal price per cubic feet, per the Rock Clause, and employ Drone/LIDAR Technology that provided a more precise calculation of the excavated rock quantities. Included in the overall cost were the expenses associated with grading and preparing the pad for New Fire Station # 1. The expenses in the amount of $1,174,700.00 were applied to the New Fire Station #1 project which was subsequently cancelled.
During the project a total of seventeen (17) Change Orders were issued totaling $2,470,450.15. Two of the change orders, totaling $2,042,193.00, specifically related to rock removal were brought to Council for approval and were not included in the City Managers Change Order Authority. The remaining Change Orders were within the City Mangers Change Order Authority and addressed time extensions, administrative clarification, additional rock removal and miscellaneous additions and credits.
Original Project Award $ 2,976,635
Change Order No. 1 – 6, 8, 11 $ -0- Time Extensions, Administrative
Change Order No. 7 $ 850,000 Approved 12/12/17 (Rock)
Change Order No. 9 $ 400,000 SWPPP/Rock Excavation
Change Order No. 10 $1,192,193.00 Approved 2/13/18 (Rock)
Change Order No. 12-17 $ 28,257.15 Various Adds/Deletes
Total $5,447,085.15
Fire 1 Building Costs (FY 17/18) -$1,174,700.00
TOTAL Contract Cost $4,272,385.15
Staff successfully and effectively managed this project to minimize overall expenditures while getting the greatest amount of work done within the authorized scope.
While Western Engineering, Inc. has successfully fulfilled their contract obligations, power connection delays by PG&E have meant that the large utility box cannot be backfilled and covered and power is not available to the Park at this time. It is currently estimated that electricity will be connected on December 21st with the Gas to be scheduled after that is completed.