| | | | | | | | | AGENDA ADDENDUM Please see the addition of Item #19 and Item #22 REGULAR MEETING OF THE ROCKLIN CITY COUNCIL CLOSED SESSION - 5:30 PM GENERAL SESSION - 6:00 PM October 13, 2020 Rocklin Events Center
2650 Sunset Blvd.
Rocklin, CA 95677 www.rocklin.ca.us |
For items listed on the agenda, any person may address the City Council at the time the item is considered. Speakers are requested to restrict their comments to the item as it appears on the agenda and stay within the required five minute time limit, unless the time is adjusted by the Mayor.
For items not listed on the agenda, any person may do so under Citizens Addressing the City Council. Speakers are limited to five minutes and the item must be under the jurisdiction of the Rocklin City Council. As a reminder, the Brown Act does not permit the Council to take action on items brought up under Citizens Addressing the City Council.
Whenever any group of persons wishes to address the Council on the same subject matter, it shall be proper for the Mayor to request that a spokesperson be chosen.
Although not required, speakers are requested to identify themselves by stating their name and city of residence for the official record. Time will be monitored on the lectern. When the time reaches zero, please be seated.
Any person who disrupts the meeting of the Council, may be barred by the Mayor from further audience before the Council during that meeting.
All remarks shall be addressed to the Council as a body and not to any member thereof, or to staff, or to the public. No person, other than a member of the Council, the City Manager or the City Attorney and the person having the floor, shall be permitted to enter into any discussion without the permission of the presiding officer.
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Any writing related to an agenda item for the open session of this meeting distributed to the City Council, Public Financing Authority or Successor Agency less than 72 hours before this meeting is available for inspection at City Hall, 3970 Rocklin Road, Rocklin, during normal business hours. These writings will also be available for review at the council meeting in the public access binder located on the table at the back of the Council Chambers. If you have questions related to this agenda, please call (916) 625-5560. | |
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Rocklin encourages those with disabilities to participate fully in the public hearing process. If you have a special need in order to allow you to attend or participate in our public meeting and public hearing processes, including receiving notices, agendas, and other writings in appropriate alternative formats, please contact our office at (916) 625-5560 well in advance of the public meeting or public hearing you wish to attend so that we may make every reasonable effort to accommodate you. | |
| | | | | | | | | All persons with electronic presentations for public meetings will be required to bring their own laptop or other form of standalone device that is HDMI or VGA compatible. It is further recommended that presenters arrive early to test their presentations. The City is not responsible for the compatibility or operation of non-city devices or the functionality of non-city presentations. | |
| | | | | | | | | In accordance with Government Code Section 54954.2(a) this agenda was posted on the City's bulletin board at City Hall, 3970 Rocklin Road, Rocklin, and City of Rocklin website at www.rocklin.ca.us. | |
This meeting may be conducted utilizing teleconferencing and electronic means consistent with State of California Executive Order N-29-20 dated March 17, 2020, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The public may listen to audio or view the meeting via live stream at https://www.rocklin.ca.us/agendas-minutes.
In person attendance is permitted with adherence to physical distancing protocols.
For those that do not plan on attending in person, but wish to make public comments during the meeting, public comments will be accepted in email form prior to the commencement of the meeting and in "live time".
Thank you for your cooperation in helping everyone to stay safe and healthy.
This meeting will also be offered via Zoom Webinar and the public is welcome to make a public comment through Zoom following the steps below:
How To Make A Public Comment By Zoom
When you join the meeting, you will be muted by default. To inform the City Clerk that you would like to make a public comment, you will use the “Raise Hand” feature. Instructions for using the “Raise Hand” feature when using a computer or mobile device can be found at the link below:
ZOOM Participation by telephone (Audio Only Option)
Dial (669) 900-6833.
When asked for the meeting ID, enter 880 6960 2784 #.
When asked for your participant ID, press # to continue.
When asked for the meeting password, enter 939898 #.
You will be muted by default. To inform the City Clerk that you would like to make a public comment, dial *9 to “Raise your hand”. The Clerk will unmute you when it is your turn to speak.
ZOOM Participation via computer or smartphone
You can join the meeting from your computer using a web browser or the Zoom software (if it is installed). You can also join the meeting using the Zoom app on your IOS or Android device. Please refer to the Zoom links below for instructions on how to install the software. Once the software is installed, you can join the meeting using the meeting ID 888 6960 2784 # and password 939898 #.
Emailed comments will be accepted and read aloud by submission to the City Clerk at the following email address, hope.ithurburn@rocklin.ca.us; public comments will be read aloud at the appropriate time. *If you do not wish for your comment to be read aloud during the meeting, please make note of it in the subject line of your email message (i.e., DO NOT READ ALOUD).
Please also note that if you wish to provide public comments relating to items not on the agenda, they must be submitted prior to the time the Mayor calls for "Citizens Addressing the City Council" agenda item at the beginning of the meeting.
Emailed public comments related to agenda items must be submitted prior to the time the Mayor closes public comment for that particular agenda item. All emailed comments shall be subject to the same rules as would otherwise govern public comments.
The City Clerk shall read all email comments, provided that the reading shall not exceed five (5) minutes, or such other time as the Mayor may provide, consistent with the time limit set for speakers at a Council meeting.
For those requiring a modification or accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act, please contact Hope Ithurburn, City Clerk at (916) 625.5564 or via email at hope.ithurburn@rocklin.ca.us. | |
| | | | | | | | VIDEO | 5:30 PM - CLOSED SESSION (Read Closed Session Items - Ask for Public Comment) | |
| | | | | | | | VIDEO | | 1. | Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6, Conference with Labor Negotiators, Agency Representatives: Interim City Manager Chad Butler, Don Turko; Employee Organizations: Public Safety Managers’ Bargaining Unit, Rocklin Police Officers’ Association, and Rocklin Firefighters Union Local 3847 | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | VIDEO | 6:00 PM - INTRODUCTION | |
| | | | | | | | VIDEO | | 2. | Meeting called to order | |
| | | | | | | | VIDEO | | 3. | Pledge of Allegiance | |
| | | | | | | | VIDEO | | 5. | Agenda Modifications | |
| | | | | | | | | Members of the public may address the City Council at this time on any item of business of interest to the public that is not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to five minutes unless the time is extended by the presiding officer. Councilmembers may briefly respond to statements made or questions asked by a speaker, but may not make any decisions or take action on any item not on the agenda. | |
| | | | | | | | | The following routine matters can be acted upon by one motion. Individual items may be removed by the Council for separate discussion. The title is deemed to be read and further reading waived of any ordinance listed on the Consent Calendar for introduction or adoption. | |
| | | | | | | | | | 7. | Approve the City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of September 8, 2020 | | | | | Staff Presentation by Hope Ithurburn, City Clerk | | | | 8. | Approve the City Council Special Meeting Minutes of September 22, 2020 | | | | | Staff Presentation by Hope Ithurburn, City Clerk | | | | 9. | Approve the City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of September 22, 2020 | | | | | Staff Presentation by Hope Ithurburn, City Clerk | | | | 10. | Approve the City Council Special Meeting Minutes of September 24, 2020 | | | | | Staff Presentation by Sarina Friend, Deputy City Clerk | | | | 11. | Approve the City Council Special Meeting Minutes of September 29, 2020 | | | | | Staff Presentation by Sarina Friend, Deputy City Clerk | | | | 12. | Resolution of the City Council of the City of Rocklin Declaring October 23 - 31, 2020 as Red Ribbon Week in the City of Rocklin | | | | | Staff Presentation by Wendy Smith, Community Service Officer | | | | 13. | Resolution of the City Council of the City of Rocklin Amending the City Budget for Fiscal Year 2019-2020 | | | | | Staff Presentation by Mary Rister, Finance Manager | | | | 14. | Resolution of the City Council of the City of Rocklin Accepting the Public Work Known as the Rocklin Road Bike/Pedestrian Road Realignment, Approving the Notice of Completion Thereof, and Authorizing and Directing the Execution and Recordation of Said Notice on Behalf of the City | | | | | Staff Presentation by Keith Jukes, Associate Civil Engineer | | | | 15. | Resolution of the City Council of the City of Rocklin Approving a Revised Contract for Advanced Traffic Management System, Services & Support and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Agreement with Q-Free America, Inc. | | | | | Staff Presentation by Justin Nartker, Director of Public Services | | | | 16. | Resolution of the City Council of the City of Rocklin Awarding Contracts for On-Call Construction Inspection Services | | | | | Adopt Resolutions of the City Council of the City of Rocklin Awarding Contracts for On-Call Construction Inspection Services and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Agreements with UNICO ENGINEERING, Inc., Coastland Civil Engineering, Inc., PSOMAS Inc., and Grand Sierra Construction Services.
Staff Presentation by Matt McClure, Public Services Manager | | | | 17. | Resolution of the City Council of the City of Rocklin Recommending Appointments of Youth Commissioners to the Parks, Recreation and Arts Commission and the Art Task Force | | | | | Staff Presentation by Hope Ithurburn, City Clerk | | | | 18. | Resolution of the City Council of the City of Rocklin Recommending Appointments to the Various Boards and Commissions | | | | | Staff Presentation by Hope Ithurburn, City Clerk | | | | 19. | Resolution of the City Council of the City of Rocklin Supporting Proposition 20: The Reducing Crime and Keeping California Safe Act | | | | | Staff Presentation by Chad Butler, Police Chief | |
| | | | | | | | | Written Material Introduced Into the Record: Citizens wishing to introduce written material into the record at the public hearing on any item are requested to provide a copy of the written material to the City Clerk prior to the public hearing date so that the material may be distributed to the City Council prior to the public hearing.
Court challenges to any public hearing items may be limited to only those issues which are raised at the public hearing described in the notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City at or prior to the public hearing. | |
| | | | | | | | VIDEO | | 23. | Annexation Into Community Facilities District No. 1 (Granite Terrace) | | | | | A. Resolution of the City Council of the City of Rocklin of Annexation of Territory to Community Facilities District No. 1 (Annexation No. 73), Authorizing the Levy of a Special Tax, and Submitting Levy of Tax to Qualified Electors (Granite Terrace)
B. Resolution of the City Council of the City of Rocklin Declaring Results of the Special Annexation Election, Determining Validity of Prior Proceedings, and Directing Recording of Amended Notice of Special Tax Lien Pertaining to Community Facilities District No. 1 (Annexation No. 73) (Granite Terrace)
Staff Presentation by Ted Williams, Financial Analyst | | VIDEO | | 24. | Annexation Into Community Facilities District No. 5 (Granite Terrace) | | | | | A. Resolution of the City Council of the City of Rocklin of Annexation of Territory to Community Facilities District No. 5 (Annexation No. 61), Authorizing the Levy of a Special Tax, and Submitting Levy of Tax to Qualified Electors (Granite Terrace)
B. Resolution of the City Council of the City of Rocklin Declaring Results of the Special Annexation Election, Determining Validity of Prior Proceedings, and Directing Recording of Amended Notice of Special Tax Lien Pertaining to Community Facilities District No. 5 (Annexation No. 61) (Granite Terrace)
Staff Presentation by Ted Williams, Financial Analyst | |
| | | | | | | | VIDEO | | 27. | City Council Reports | |
| | | | | | | | VIDEO | | 28. | City Manager Report | |