This meeting may be conducted utilizing teleconferencing and electronic means consistent with State of California Executive Order N-29-20 dated March 17, 2020, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The public may listen to audio or view the meeting via live stream at
In person attendance is permitted with adherence to physical distancing protocols. For those wishing to make a public comment in person, although not required, speakers are requested to complete a speaker card and present to the City Clerk.
For those that do not plan on attending in person, but wish to make a public comment during the meeting, public comments will be accepted in email form up until 3:00 p.m. on the meeting day. Public comments should be submitted to the City Clerk at Emailed public comments will be distributed to Council and treated as a public record.
This meeting will also be offered via Zoom Webinar and the public is welcome to make a public comment through Zoom following the steps below:
How To Make A Public Comment By Zoom
When you join the meeting, you will be muted by default. To inform the City Clerk that you would like to make a public comment, you will use the “Raise Hand” feature.
ZOOM Participation by telephone (Audio Only Option)
Dial (669) 900-6833.
When asked for the meeting ID, enter 846 4126 0318 #.
When asked for your participant ID, press # to continue.
When asked for the meeting password, enter 331447 #.
You will be muted by default. To inform the City Clerk that you would like to make a public comment, dial *9 to “Raise your hand”. The Clerk will unmute you when it is your turn to speak.
ZOOM Participation via computer or smartphone
You can join the meeting from your computer using a web browser or the Zoom software (if it is installed). You can also join the meeting using the Zoom app on your IOS or Android device. Please refer to the Zoom links below for instructions on how to install the software. Once the software is installed, you can join the meeting using the meeting ID 846 4126 0318 # and password 331447 #.
For those requiring a modification or accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act, please contact Hope Ithurburn, City Clerk at (916) 625.5564 or via email at |